Schieoevers Delft

Schieoevers. Schieoevers makes things possible, strengthens and stimulates. Schieoevers resists frameworks and makes choices. Accelerates and changes. Schieoevers? Makes noise. Always.
creative direction, branding, identityvideo production, photography, event
Placemaking Into a Lively Mixed Use Urban Area
Delft Schieoevers is going to be a great place, just in between the Delft University and the historical city centre. It's single use as an industrial zone will transform in the next decades to a lively mixed use part of the city.
ZZESTO was helping the Delft municipality with the challenges of 'Participatie' (mandatory on all future building projects) and combining that with Placemaking and Location Branding. Is creating space, connecting initiatieves, organisations and companies. Facilitating events. And getting people to the location. Quite the challenge, but very rewarding!
An outstanding event: The Schieoevers Safari
In the context of the Environmental Vision 2040, the Municipality of Delft organised an event called Ons Delft - Make the City! All inhabitants and entrepreneurs of Delft were invited to think along and help building the city of the future. During all kinds of activities spread throughout the city, visitors could get informed and inspired, get in touch with each other and experience what Delft could look like in 2040. And most importantly: give their opinion on what they think is important for the future of Delft.
One of the about 25 program parts of Ons Delft - Make the City! was the Schieoevers Safari, intended to show what is already happening in the area and what is yet to come.